Юра и Володя))

71 Pins
a drawing of a person sitting on a bench
a young man is leaning on an open window and wearing a red bow tie with his hands behind his head
a man sitting in the grass next to a tree with his legs crossed and one hand on his head
two young men standing next to each other holding tennis racquets and balls
artist: wee.__.wee
two comics showing the same person in front of them
Страница 8/13
two different pictures of people in shorts and one is bending over the other, both with their hands on their hips
Лето в пионерском галстуке
an image of a man holding a map
two people sitting on the ground next to each other in front of trees and grass
two young men in white shirts and red ties are touching their foreheads with each other
two young men are talking to each other with speech bubbles above their heads and below them
two people kissing each other in front of a red background with the caption,
two people laying in the grass with their heads close to each other and one has his eyes closed
#летовпионерскомгалстуке - Twitter Search / Twitter
an image of a poster with different things on it's side and words in russian
лвпг (лето в пионерском галстуке)
из маленького скетча который был создан на уроке английского)